
Insulated Hand Tools | CHANCE | Hubbell Power System

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Insulated Hand Tools | CHANCE | Hubbell Power System

Product Code: Insulated Hand Tools
Manufacture: CHANCE | Hubbell Power System
Origin: Mexico

  • In order to serve many hotline jobs, Hubbell has manufactured a variety of specialized insulating poles such as grip-all poles, wire poles, multi-purpose poles, and multi-purpose pole-mounted tools.


Description Image
Grip optional length rope poles from 4ft to 16ft

Single body type

Folding type

Collapsible multi-fold type

Optional length rope poles from 6ft to 11ft
Optional length retractable pole from 8ft to 30ft
 Collapsible height measuring pole, length 34ft
Tree branch cutter
Bolt pole with adjustable length optional from 6ft to 12ft
Bolt opening pole optional length from 6ft to 8ft

8ft length porcelain tie-down pole  
DS, FCO manipulators optional length from 4ft to 20ft  
Versatile pole optional length from 4ft to 14ft

Single body type:

Folding Type:

Type of two-segment combination:


  • Some accessories commonly used with multi-function poles such as split pins, bolts, brush heads, blade heads, etc.


 Description Image
Split latch removal head  
Lead tube removal head  
Bolt opening head  
Manipulator DS, FCO  
Porcelain ball latch opener  
Saw blade head  
Porcelain latch holder  
Hacksaw head  
Wire holder  
 Mirror head  
Porcelain chain hook
Iron brush head
Porcelain removable head
Blade tip  
Diversion head  
Porcelain disassembly head
Wire circumference cleaning brush head
Porcelain neck lanyard head


  • In addition, there are a number of auxiliary accessories in pole construction such as protective shields, curved poles, and ropes to catch animals.


Description Image
Protective Shield
Curved pole
Animal catcher rope
  • In order to serve many hotline jobs, Hubbell has manufactured a variety of specialized insulating poles such as grip-all poles, wire poles, multi-purpose poles, and multi-purpose pole-mounted tools.
Description Image
Grip optional length rope poles from 4ft to 16ft

Single body type

Folding type

Collapsible multi-fold type

Optional length rope poles from 6ft to 11ft
Optional length retractable pole from 8ft to 30ft
Collapsible height measuring pole, length 34ft
Tree branch cutter
Bolt pole with adjustable length optional from 6ft to 12ft
Bolt opening pole optional length from 6ft to 8ft

8ft length porcelain tie-down pole
DS, FCO manipulators optional length from 4ft to 20ft
Versatile pole optional length from 4ft to 14ft

Single body type:

Folding Type:

Type of two-segment combination:

  • Some accessories commonly used with multi-function poles such as split pins, bolts, brush heads, blade heads, etc.
Description Image
Split latch removal head
Lead tube removal head
Bolt opening head
Manipulator DS, FCO
Porcelain ball latch opener
Saw blade head
Porcelain latch holder
Hacksaw head
Wire holder
Mirror head
Porcelain chain hook
Iron brush head
Porcelain removable head
Blade tip
Diversion head
Porcelain disassembly head
Wire circumference cleaning brush head
Porcelain neck lanyard head
  • In addition, there are a number of auxiliary accessories in pole construction such as protective shields, curved poles, and ropes to catch animals.
Description Image
Protective Shield
Curved pole
Animal catcher rope



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